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Friday, March 22, 2013

Finally Friday {Take 4}

Happy Friday!  What have you guys been up to this week?  It seems like this week has flown by for us!  We  finished up our bathroom renovation, had a couple of meetings, a jewelry party, Girl's Night, doctor appointments and now it's Finally Friday and we have NO PLANS! Woo Hoo!!!  You know how that goes though.  We are having a yard sale in a few weeks so we're planning to spend all weekend Spring {<--- I wish. More like 'It's March and freezing cold and snowing') Cleaning the house and pricing!  I plan on relaxing a little bit in there somewhere! 

Here's our Friday Five's for y'all:


1)  The highlight of my entire week was spending all day Sunday at my Nana's house learning to use my new sewing machine.  We made this adorable little dress for Paisley.  I call that a successful lesson!

2)  We have a festival every September in our little town called the Apple Festival.  My Dad leads a large team of people, almost all year round to organize, plan and put on this huge event.  He convinced me to join the team this year and I attended my first meeting on Tuesday.  It's exciting to be a part of this amazing group of people and I can't wait until September!  

3)  As I was typing my number 2 ^.... Charlie was loading the dishwasher and decided to remove Paisley's high chair cover and throw it in the washer.  Let's just say I won't be showing you a picture of the stock pile our little squirrel had hiding under there.  Yikes.  Ewwww.  Please tell me this happens at your house, too???? PLEASE!

4)  I was able to close a large sale at work this week and it's such a great feeling when you work so hard, and spend so much time on something, and it works out for your in the end.  It makes it all worth it.

5)  Seriously, someone tell me how to turn up the SPRING around here!  I follow a few bloggers on my Instagram and one of them posted a picture wearing a tank top!  I'm still scraping my car windows every morning and this girls sportin' a cute tank!!! UUUGGGHHHH!  


1) I've been trying to set a goal for myself to accomplish everyday around the house.  Now when I say goal, I use the term lightly....sometimes they are very small tasks like force myself to load the dishwasher.  So far, this has been working out awesome.  Tonight, I cleaned the wash machine.....Crazy?!?!? (that's what I was thinking too) try it, you'll be very surprised. 1 Cup of white vinegar soaked in hot cycle for about an hour. 

2) Sometimes I think Doctors like to see their patients squirm in pain.  I told you where it hurts, you don't have to poke it with your finger and bend it the opposite way of what it normally would go before it was hurt.   

3) Have you seen the show "Flea Market Flip" on HGTV?  Pretty cool show, where they give two different groups money to purchase items at a flea market, refurbish them, and re-sell them.  Whoever makes the most wins.  All I got to say is sign us up!!!!

4)  I'm pretty sure Emily is jealous of all you other bloggers who are at Blissdom right now...I'm just jealous that it's in Texas and it's warm there.  I've never been to Texas but it's definitely on the bucket list.

5)  I'm glad the bathroom is complete!!!!!! It felt like we flash backed to when we were building the house while trying to live in it at the same time.  Remodels always seem like they take longer than expected and give you that feeling of "what have we done!?"  But in the end it is all worth it.

So, we've been showing you these awesome recipes the past few weeks in our Finally Friday series.  Are you ready to see this week's???

Yep, that's right.  We had pizza from our favorite local pizza joint.  Then this pic ^ is from the following day before we heated it up for leftovers.  We're far from over-achievers folks.  People are busy these days.  That's why they have Pizza Pick-Up.  Sometimes there's not enough time for awesome Pinterest-Blog-Worthy Recipe's.  Right!?!?

We did, however, post our Bathroom Remodel {on a budget} and got to guest post over at Love of Family and Home.  If you haven't checked them out, make sure you do!  

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  We'll be back next week to show you our first of the DIY bathroom projects!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

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