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Friday, March 15, 2013

Finally Friday {Take 3}

Happy Friday y'all!  How's your week been?  It's supposed to be around 70 degrees today and that alone is enough to make me jump for joy!  I'm beyond tired of this gloomy, cold weather!  Bring on the sunshine!!!  I'm sure in about 4 months we'll all be complaining about the heat, but oh well!

So, welcome to the third edition of FINALLY FRIDAY!



1)  Charlie brought it to my attention this week that our sweet baby girl will be ONE in 6 short weeks!  Where in the world did the past year go!?!?  No one told me time would fly this fast! (ok, technically I guess they did.  People say that all the time. I thought it was just a saying?? - apparently not!)

2)  Ever since I saw this post on my friend Tonya's blog, I just had to find myself a little vintage fan for our bathroom makeover.  We were lucky enough to find one last weekend at a St. Louis antique mall!  It was even the perfect color!  (pictures to come soon in the big reveal post!)

3)  I bought a new camera bag from my friend Chelsi, my favorite 31 rep. :)  It holds all of my lenses and accessories safely and it is just so darn cute!  Follow me on Instagram to see the picture!    (bonfiresandwine)

4)  The time change is so hard to adjust to, but it's great for a blogger that works full time!  Coming home at 5:00 in the pitch black does not make for pretty pictures :(  Coming home at 5:00 when the sun is still shining is wonderful!  

5)  Did I mention I'm ready for spring!?!? Because, I am!!!


1)  I have joined the majority of the world with my love of coffee......well I guess its not exactly coffee its cappuccino, but I almost feel like I'm not ready for the day to start without a cup first thing in the morning.

2) Some people should not be allowed to be on Facebook. (that is all)

3) My wisdom teeth are deciding to come in...Ouch!!! Now I know why Paisley gets fussy when her teeth start to come in.

4)  I love it when an idea for a project comes together like you imagined it would.....I know Emily keeps hinting about the bathroom reveal but trust me, its pretty awesome.

5) Knock Knock......Who's there??? Aida......Aida who?  Aida sandwich for lunch today..........Haha, anyways..... have a good weekend and if you are looking for some good tunes to check out, try Mumford and Sons - I Will Wait and Kenny Chesney - Pirate Flag.  

Did you see our weekly recipe picture on our FACEBOOK page the other day?  Using our Pinterest Menu Planning method, we made this Buffalo Chicken & Potatoes recipe and it was pretty darn good!  It's straight from the Pillsbury website.  

Even though it says "buffalo" in the name, it's not overly spicy at all!  
You can find the recipe right here!  Let us know if you try it out! 

That's it for us today, guys!  Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks so much for stopping by today!


  1. Yay!! So glad you found a vintage fan!! :) Can't wait to see it!

  2. Just found your blog and so glad I did! I'm a new follower and look forward to reading more.


    1. Hey Pat! I'm so glad you found us, too! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great week! :)


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