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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Busiest. Summer. EVER.

Has anyone else's Summer been absolutely CRAZY???!!!

Ours has.  I don't remember having a summer this busy ever!  Every single weekend we have something going on.  I am really looking forward to October when the calendar looks a little less insane.

Even though our Summer has been crazy, it's been a lot of fun.

We spent a weekend in Nashville, TN with my parents.

Have you ever been to Nashville?  It's quite possibly our most favorite place ever.  There's so much to do and it's such a beautiful, historic city.  We go several times a year.  

We got to go to the Grand Ole Opry one night.  The one and only Carrie Underwood was playing!
This was actually Paisley's second Opry show.  
The kid's seen Carrie Underwood AND Eric Church.  
Those are milestones, right there.

We ate at the Rainforest Cafe and Paisley loved it.

She got a tad bit spoiled while shopping.  We found a Disney Store and Rapunzel happened to be on sale...

The backpack was on sale too.  Thanks to "back to school" weekend!  
Yep, it was bigger than her.  But the kid loves it, so who cares! 

Charlie and I had a night out and went to a rodeo and to see Randy Houser with friends. 

Our State Fair was going on so we took Paisley to check it all out.  And, of course eat fair food.  
She got to feed the animals and she was in her only little slice of Heaven!

She thought this was the best way to eat her fries...

We spent a weekend up North with Charlie's family and attended a wedding.  Remember on Instagram awhile ago we mentioned our chicken coop and our new chickens?  

They got friends...

Once we got home, Paisley could not wait to put her new friends in the coop.

I swear this girl will be a farmer one day.  Her love for all of our animals is the cutest thing ever.  
She wakes up every morning wanting to feed the chickens.

My friend Brie also has a very special day coming up!  In about 2 weeks she'll be saying "I DO"!!!

We took her engagement pictures a little while back and we've been working on things for her big day ever since!

Here's a sneak peak at the menu card.

Her decor is so beautiful and I can't wait to show y'all everything!  We finished up some of the table decor the other night at Girls Night.  We used her engagement pictures and printed them on vellum paper.

Then, we cut them out and mod podged them onto old jars.  We'll drop candles in them and they'll glow oh-so-beautifully on each table at the reception.  We tested a few and they turned out so great.  You'll have to wait for the whole wedding reveal to see the final products! :)

That's only about half of what our summer has consisted of.  We spent several weeks planning, building and shopping for my mom's front porch.  Did you check that out yet?  I'm in love.

We've also been working in the shop A LOT getting ready for our local, small-town festival that's coming up.  We'll be having a booth at the arts & craft fair so we've been cranking out projects like crazy-town. 

That little ol' Festival causes my day-time work to be a whole lot more hectic too.  My Dad just so happens to be over the whole thing.  He has about 50 or so people that serve on committees and between him and all of the great volunteers, they pull off an amazing event, year after year.  I don't think people understand what goes into it though.  He roped me into it this year and now I serve on a committee, too.  Our downtown office becomes Apple Festival headquarters and people are coming and going like crazy for several months leading up to the event.  I think our staff answers more calls about the Festival than about our products! But, that's small town and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

What have you been doing all Summer?  Has yours been totally crazy, busy too?


  1. WOW! That's alot!!! I'm glad you had a wonderful and busy summer, making memories!

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