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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sneak Peek

Hey Y'all……Charlie here again.  Where has summer gone? It seems like yesterday we were at the hospital waiting on Baby Guthrie to make her appearance; and that was in April. Well, like most families during the summer months we have been running non stop. From birthday parties, BBQ's and summer loving activities we are always on the go. I was just telling Emily that for about a week straight I think I ate nothing but hot dogs and hamburgers. Although, we have been mighty busy, we still managed to get some projects finished up around the house. If you follow along with us on Facebook you saw that we also survived a flood from the creek behind the house!  I'm going to go ahead and leak a few pictures of what we've done and challenge Em to share the details of each project in the following weeks.

A sure sign of summer is a tractor in the field mowing hay. With the extremely wet summer we've had, our neighbor is finally able to cut hay today.

Speaking of a wet summer, here are a few pics of the the damage the creek did when it decided to flood. 

Yea…Not Cool!!! We lost 7 chickens and had a lot of wet and muddy tools and equipment.  But, the water didn't reach the house and we're fortunate for that!  After 2 days of cleanup around the shed and pool we were back to normal.

Enough about mother nature and her crazy ways, here are a few pics of our completed projects. I'll make sure Em shares all the details with you in the next few weeks. That's only if I can get her out of the week looks like its going to be another hot one!

We've put the finishing touches on our old room and created a beautiful room for a very special 2 year old.

We also put together a pretty cool gallery wall in our entryway with room to grow.  I'm sure we will have a lot of photo sessions in our future to add to it.

Sneak peek of the dessert table Emily and Tonya (from Love of Family & Home) put together for our 4th of July party! 

Make sure y'all stop back and check out how we put the finishing touches on these projects.  I've also got a few ideas up my sleeve that Emily doesn't know about!!



  1. I love both those gallery walls! They're so cute and welcoming!

    1. Thank you so much, Carrie! :) I love them too! I think I'm running out of room for gallery walls, though! haha!

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