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Friday, April 12, 2013

Finally Friday {Take 5}

Hey guys!  It's Finally Friday!  Woooo Hoooo!!!!

We didn't have a Friday post last week since we were hanging out at the beach! :)

But, we've been back this week with our Beach vacation photo's and our Faucet Face Lift.  We're going to keep the bathroom DIY projects comin' so stay tuned! 

Here's are Friday Five's....


1)  I won't even try to lie.  I could have handled another week at the beach...

2)  We're having a huge yard sale tomorrow at my mom's house.  We have so much stuff it's kinda crazy.     Charlie says I'm a hoarder.  I just think I see potential in everything.... (did I mention I hate yard sale pricing?..ugghhhh)

3)  Paisley is soooo close to walking!  She's taking a few steps at a time and I'm pretty sure she'll be on the move by her birthday!

4)  Speaking of her birthday, we are of course having fun planning her first birthday party!  I've partnered up with this adorable ETSY shop and have the cutest theme in the works!  Can't wait to show you!

5)  Again, speaking of birthdays, I just had one.  Once you're over 21, they just aren't that fun anymore.  I don't want to grow up!!! :)


1) I'm not much of a beach person, something about sharks and sand doesn't do it for me like deer and woods do......but I'm not gonna lie, I could have stayed for another week too.

2) My wife is a questions, she doesn't see potential she thinks, Oh...I can put this into a storage tote and Charlie can move it around in the garage for all of eternity.

3) The new song "Boys Round Here" by Blake Shelton is one of my favorite songs out right now.  Paisley really likes it too and has been learning to dance as she tries to walk.

4)  Some of you may know that I am an Under Armour freak.....if they make it, I want it.  Well, recently I had a couple items that needed to be returned due to use/defect.  I've got to say they have some of the best customer service and return policies. If you are not satisfied with the product they will replace or give you your money back guaranteed.  Now, that is how all companies should run their business. Jack!!!   

5)  While going through all of the yard sale stuff, I came across a tote that had a bunch of items from my best friend who passed away in 2007.  It never gets easier not being able to call and catch up on the phone, or stop and have a beer with him, but as I get older I can look back at the times I got to spend with him and realize life is short so cherish the moments you get to spend with family and friends.

Our favorite new recipe of the week were Mama Laughlin's (one of my favorite bloggers) awesome Stuffed Peppers!  We've been eating healthy lately and choosing low calorie, low carb recipes and this one was a really tasty change from what we're used to! We are P.I.C.K.Y really picky.  So, we really just used the peppers as a little added spice and only ate the stuffing! But, least we tried it! We've gotta start somewhere!

You can find the recipe HERE!  Let us know what you think!  Thanks for stopping by!

Now excuse us while we drown in yard sale tubs...

Wish us luck....

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